These People Failed To Send Dog Photos To “We Rate Dogs” Twitter

These People Failed To Send Dog Photos To “We Rate Dogs” Twitter

@WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that does exactly what it says. It rates dogs. And it’s hilarious and adorable at the same time. All you have to do is send them a picture of your dog and they’ll give it a score from one to ten. The only problem is, some people seem to be sending them pictures of things that clearly aren’t dogs! See the funniest examples below!

This... is a Tyrannosaurus rex. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Thank you ...10/10

We only rate dogs. This is a meteorite that has fallen from a clearly superior part of the galaxy. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 14/10

This is an East African Chalupa Seal. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Thank you... 10/10

Idk why this keeps happening. We only rate dogs. Not Bangladeshi Couch Chipmunks. Please only send dogs... 12/10

We only rate dogs. This is a tiny kangaroo going through a goth phase. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 12/10

Unbelievable. Why would someone send us a photo without a dog in it? We work way too hard to be this disrespected. Please send dogs. Thank you... 12/10

We only rate dogs. This is clearly a long-haired library bear. Natural predator of the book worm. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 12/10

We only rate dogs. This is clearly a fresh loaf of ciabatta bread. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 14/10

We only rate dogs. This creature is clearly a half-bulldog, half-guy-in-shorts. Distant cousin of the centaur. Please only send full dogs. Thank you... 12/10

You think this is funny? We only rate dogs. This is a walrus. Please be more careful. Thank you... 13/10

We only rate dogs. This is clearly Jesus. Please send in dogs. It really isn’t complicated. Thank you... 13/10

We only rate dogs. Please stop sending in non-canines like this Alaskan Flop Turtle. This is very frustrating. 10/10

Oh my this spooked me up. We only rate dogs, not happy ghosts. Please send dogs only. It's a very simple premise. Thank you... 13/10

We only rate dogs. Pls stop sending in non-canines like this Mongolian grass snake. This is very frustrating. 11/10

We only rate dogs. This is clearly a stegosaurus. Please only send Cenozoic era dogs. Thank you... 12/10

We only rate dogs. This is a Chaotic House Piranha. Please watch your feet he's really unpredictable. Thank you... 12/10 would still pet

This is getting incredibly frustrating. This is a Mexican Golden Beaver. We only rate dogs. Only send dogs ...10/10

Really guys? We only rate dogs. This is a Fluffy Flower Mouse. One of the largest we’ve ever seen. Please send in dogs only. Thank you… 13/10

We only rate dogs. This is a Cozy Cashmere Caterpillar. They're typically pretty aggressive so please be careful. Remember to only send dogs. Thank you... 13/10

We only rate dogs, but please send our condolences to whoever dropped this perfectly toasted marshmallow in the grass. Thank you... 13/10

We only rate dogs. This is clearly an angel that came down from heaven and got their wings blow-dried. While he is the most well-conditioned angel we have ever seen, please only send dogs. Thank you... 13/10

Unbelievable. We only rate dogs. This is just a really thirsty hamster. The instructions for this account could not be more clear. Dogs only. Thank you... 12/10

The post These People Failed To Send Dog Photos To “We Rate Dogs” Twitter first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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