People all across this nation are continuing to adhere to social distancing rules outlined by the CDC, as well as orders implemented at a state or regional level like Safer At Home, and I think it’s fair to assume that some all of us are beginning to go a little bit completely insane. Even the introverts among us (like me) are starting to get that cabin fever itch, and if we’re not careful, if we start to lose our grip even a tiny bit, who knows where that psychological spiral leads.
Try not to think about it too hard. It’s a dark, dark place.
I’m sure you’ve heard all sorts of methods folks are using to keep themselves sane. Yoga, painting, picking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, binge-watching every single show ever made, weird stress-cleaning like aggressively scrubbing all the baseboards in the apartment, that kind of normal stuff. And all of that is great!
But… have you tried expressing your feelings through song?!
Singer-songwriter and former contestant of The Voice, Chris Mann, has used his talents for the greater good and created a parody of Adele’s “Hello” that is just as, if not more, gripping and emotional as the original. In “Hello (From The Inside)” Chris turns everyone’s new “corona life” reality into words, like how we all could definitely use a shower and a goddamn BURGER WITH CHEEEEEEEESE.