const toolsOn = false;
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* DO NOT DELETE – Knotch Tracking – Add tracking to product Links */
function setupProductLinks() {
const regex = /[’/`~!#*$@%+=.,^&(){}[]|;:””‘?\]/g;
let g = document.querySelectorAll(“.product a”);
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let gpb = document.querySelectorAll(“.product .brand-name”);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
let gd = gpb[i].textContent + “-” + gpt[i].textContent;
let rgd = gd.replace(regex, ”);
let prodVars = rgd.replace(/s/g, ‘_’);
let clck = “javascript:invokeKnotchEventPixel(‘https://t.knotch.it/receive/beacon.gif?account_id=255cc573-7884-4b5a-baf9-8b0255872664&event=R29LP03_ProductClick_” + prodVars + “‘);”;
g[i].setAttribute(“onclick”, clck);
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Image Annotations */
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var mobilebuy = new Array();
var closebutton = new Array();
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var previous = 100;
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var desktop = true;
var grabnav;
// What device is this?
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var desktop = false;
function assembleArray(id, pos) {
// Assemble a tip and dot array, add id tags to them
var a = [document.getElementById(‘anno-tip’ + id), document.getElementById(‘anno-dot’ + id + ‘-hint’), pos];
return a;
function tipOn(elem) {
// Grab items from the array
var pop = elem[0];
var hint = elem[1];
var pos = elem[2];
// Setup Global Nav for hiding on mobile
if (init == false) {
// Add the id to the global nav and store mobile buy buttons
// Done with setup
init = true;
if (mobile == true) {
// Mobile & Tablet, click dots, show mobile buy button
// If just mobiile and not tablet, hide the global nav
if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
} else {
// Check for small or wide desktop
if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
// Desktop Small, click dots, show mobile buy button
} else {
// Desktop Wide, rollover dots, no mobile buy button
function tipOff(elem) {
// Grab items from the array
var pop = elem[0];
var hint = elem[1];
var pos = elem[2];
if (mobile == true) {
// Mobile & Tablet, click dots, show mobile buy button
// If just mobiile and not tablet, hide the global nav
if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
} else {
// Check for small or wide desktop
if (window.innerWidth 540) {
function closeTip(id) {
// Mobile onClick closebutton
var lmt = assembleArray(id, ‘0’);
if (window.innerWidth > 540) {
function showTip(id) {
// Desktop Rollover
if (desktop == true) {
if (window.innerWidth > 720) {
var lmt = assembleArray(id, ‘-15%’);
function hideTip(id) {
// Desktop Rolloff
if (desktop == true) {
if (window.innerWidth > 720) {
var lmt = assembleArray(id, ‘0’);
function mobileExtraOn(id) {
// Turn on the mobile buy button
mobilebuy[id].style.display = “block”;
closebutton[id].style.display = “block”;
function mobileExtraOff(id) {
// Turn off the mobile buy button
mobilebuy[id].style.display = “none”;
closebutton[id].style.display = “none”;
function initAnnotations() {
// Add id tag to the global nav, for hiding on mobile
document.getElementsByClassName(“global-header”)[0].setAttribute(“id”, “tmp-global-header”);
grabnav = document.getElementById(‘tmp-global-header’);
// Get the mobile buttons
mobilebuy = document.getElementsByClassName(‘anno-mobile-buy’);
// Get the mobile close buttoms
closebutton = document.getElementsByClassName(‘anno-tip-close’);
function showGlobalNav() {
grabnav.style.display = “block”;
function hideGlobalNav() {
grabnav.style.display = “none”;
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
function tagImages() {
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let e;
for (e = 0; e < elems.length; e++) {
elems[e].setAttribute(“id”, [“image” + e]);
// Temp numbering, turn off above by setting toolsOn to false
if (toolsOn == true) {
let add = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
add.innerHTML = “
// Add Shop Look buttons
let addCTA = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
if (e == 4) {
addCTA.innerHTML = “
// Reveal?
let elemsReveal = document.querySelectorAll(“.section-reveal-container”);
let addReveal = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
addReveal.innerHTML = “
// Cleans up
elems, e = undefined;
// Setup
function setupAnnotations(id) {
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
// Grab the img-containers for adding annotations
let elems = document.querySelectorAll(“.section-image .img-container”);
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Annotation 1 */
let anno1 = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
anno1.innerHTML = “
/* Cleanup */
elems = undefined;
function setupInsetAnimations() {
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
// Grab the img-containers for adding animations (replaces gifs)
let elems = document.querySelectorAll(“.section-image .img-container”);
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Animation 1 */
let anim1 = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
anim1.innerHTML = “
/* Animation 2 */
let anim2 = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
anim2.innerHTML = “
/* Animation 3 */
let anim3 = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
anim3.innerHTML = “
/* Cleanup */
elems = undefined;
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Video */
// Video urls from JWplayer
const videoHeroDesktopBigURL = “https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/92YkjXVb-r0yi2e87.mp4”; // NEW: For big monitor, desktop
const videoHeroDesktopURL = “https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/92YkjXVb-gaV8s59T.mp4”;
const videoHeroTabletURL = “https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/92YkjXVb-b8WZHQfV.mp4”;
const videoHeroMobileURL = “https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/QML0wgaN-YUuIWPFk.mp4”;
const videoHeroSmallMobileURL = “https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/QML0wgaN-CL7MEiUe.mp4”;
// Poster/thumbnail images while video loads
const vidPosterWide = “https://www.refinery29.com/images/10387291.jpg”;
const vidPosterTall = “https://www.refinery29.com/images/10387275.jpg”;
// ALt text
const altTag = “”;
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const videoHeroMobile = document.getElementById(“tmp-video-hero-mobile”);
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videoHeroDesktop.src = videoHeroDesktopBigURL;
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videoHeroMobile.src = videoHeroMobileURL;
if (window.innerWidth < 361) {
videoHeroMobile.src = videoHeroSmallMobileURL;
function setupVideoHero() {
// Grab the target
const videoInject = document.getElementsByClassName(“opener”);
// Make a new element
let vidOpener = document.createElement(‘DIV’);
// Give the new element a class
// Update the element
// Assemble the custom html
let allCode = “
// Insert the custom html
vidOpener.innerHTML = allCode;
// Add the video urls etc.
// Cleanup
//videoInject = undefined;
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Setup */
function setupPage() {
// Video opener
// Annotations, set number based on image tag using the tag images function
// Inset animations
// Number the images, turn off for publish
// Knotch analytics
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Preload */
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window.isReady = false
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const waitForLoad = setTimeout(function(){
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function invokeKnotchEventPixel(eventName) {
try {
var img = new Image();
var src = eventName;
src += “&ts=” + Date.now().toString();
img.src = src;
} catch (e) {}
Our lives have been in a state of flux — and so has our sense of style. In partnership with Macy’s, we’ve tapped R29 editors to shed light on how their personal styles have evolved in the last year, aligning them with their own specific fashion identity that offers a glimpse into who they are and a reflection of the times we’re living in. Read more about the partnership and the other fashion identities here.

If pressure makes diamonds, what can a stress test like, say, a global pandemic do for our style? Some might emerge having indulged in the pleasures of fully fleece-based ‘fits; others might resurface having fine-tuned their personal aesthetics until they more faithfully represent their inner workings than ever before. For the Personal Style Stalwart, the latter is coming true through lots of sartorial reflection, making some smart buys, and, yes, deep-quarantine solo fashion shows (what else was there to do anyway?). Together, these methods can result in a harder, better, and stronger way of dressing — something fashion editor Chelsea Peng can personally attest to. Ahead, discover how her look-at-me approach to style shifted (or didn’t) when her audience was drastically reduced, and how, with every foray into shearling and sweats, she’s styling her way to greater fashion freedom.

My pre-pandemic style could be described as… “A very eclectic hodgepodge of references and influences that, all together, make up…me. There are always about 53 tabs open in my brain. Nobody would ever describe my personal style as minimal, that’s for sure. I like volume, prints on prints on prints, suiting and co-ords, and weird/happy color combinations that make toddlers stop and stare on the street.”