Have you ever flicked through a fashion magazine only to be informed that your most treasured item of clothing is now, in fact, ‘old news’? It’s as if the mere turning of time, and creation of new trends, results in the obsolescence of everything that has come before. Nope, it doesn’t make sense to me either. I believe it takes real confidence to wear what you want to wear, regardless of its relevance (or irrelevance) to the current fashion cycle, which is why I decided to write about my love of the humble biker jacket.
You know that an item of clothing has dropped off the fashion radar when you struggle to find images of said style on Instagram (the above is a very old shot from Lucy Williams’s feed). Yet, I have been wearing biker jackets since I was 18, back in the days of Kate Moss’s pitch-perfect, black-skinnys-and-leather-jacket ensembles. While their popularity has slowly dwindled in recent years, I remain loyal to the biker jacket cause, whether it’s via a sturdy style from Scotch & Soda that I bought in a sample sale 4 years ago, or a more recent suede acquisition from All Saints. The beauty of the biker is that anyone can wear it, whether you’re 17 or 70, and there are enough varying fabrics and fits to cater to any occasion. So, really, what I’m trying to say is: if you love something, don’t let it go, especially if it’s just because someone else tells you to. Good, I’m glad we’ve got that sorted. So, in celebration of my enduring love of the biker, I’ve taken one jacket and created 4 outfits that I plan on wearing in the coming months. Scroll down to see and shop my looks.