This New Candle Collection Actually Has Me Excited for Winter

This New Candle Collection Actually Has Me Excited for Winter

There’s no question that I am a child of the summer. I was born during a heatwave in August, I grew up next to the beach and quite honestly, I spend the first half of the year counting down the days until I can feel the hot sun against my skin. It’s quite shocking, therefore, for me to admit that this year, I’m sorta, kinda, maybe just a little bit excited for autumn.

You see, spending more time at home over the last few months has weirdly made me appreciate it even more than normal. I have taken to surrounding myself with home comforts that make my space feel calm, cosy and generally just somewhere that I enjoy being. So in a bid to create the most homely setting I possibly can (in true beauty-editor style), I have turned to the power of candles. While traditionally I favour floral and fresh, crisp scents fit for the summer, I have actually spent the last few weeks filling my home with autumn-inspired candles.

And trust me when I tell you this is out of character. Deep, warming scents do not usually appeal to me, as someone who likes my home to feel fresh and airy. The sweet, sickly scents that are traditionally associated with autumn (think pumpkin, vanilla and spices) really do not tickle my fancy. However, one particular launch this year has totally converted me. Comprising of six, bisque ceramic jars (which are arguably works of art themselves), the new Jo Malone London Townhouse Collection manages to exude all of the wonderful crispness of autumn, without being too overpowering. 

However, before I reveal to you what exactly it is that has me fussing over these candles, I want to mention the price. They are £90 each, which even by this candle-hoarders standards, is pricey. They’re big, sure (300g), and they also look like ornaments on the side, but if you ask me, for a candle to justifiably cost £90 it has to smell seriously special. And unfortunately for me (and my bank balance), these particular scents do.

Something that I have struggled with for so long when it comes to shopping for candles is finding scents that smell genuinely reminiscent of their notes. I like my candles to smell like real-life events—a walk in the woods on a damp morning, a bouquet of freshly cut roses, the smell of sea spray after a storm. What I am instead so often met with is artificial fragrances that more often than not induce headaches and queasiness. However, I think I can honestly say I have finally found what I have been looking for all of these years. And clearly, that comes at a price.

The wonderful thing about these candles is that no matter what your preference, there is an option for you. For instance, if you actually do lean toward sweet smells, but detest the artificial headiness that autumn candles usually possess, Pastel Macaroons could be for you. If you prefer deep, powerful aromas, the notes of super-warming Glowing Embers will likely please your senses. The winners for me? Beautiful delicate and fresh Lilac Lavender and Lovage as well as earthy, yet juicy Wild Berry and Bramble. Just one whiff has me reaching for the blankets, sticking the kettle on and cuddling up ready for a few months of ultimate cosiness.

Fresh and juicy, this wonderfully warming scent is fruity and sweet but has a green richness that makes it perfect for colder months.

If you favour sweeter, sugary scents, this one is for you. Like freshly baked pastries without even a hint of sickliness, it’s one of the most warming and comforting candles around.

This candle smells like fresh leaves on a cold, crisp autumn morning. It’s earthy and green but wonderfully uplifting.

One for the bedside table, the aroma of this candle is a combination of freshly washed linen with a hint of mind-soothing lavender. 

Reminiscent of a log fire that has been slowly burning away for hours, Glowing Embers is warm, smoky and utterly comforting.

It’s fresh but rich. This isn’t the sort of scent that floats in the air unnoticed. Green and earthy, it smells like freshly squeezed tomatoes with an earthy base.

Next up, 13 nail art ideas for short nails.

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