I love TikTok because it takes away power from straight white dudes.
TikTok has given so many weird, funny, and underrepresented creators the opportunity to get their stuff SEEN and grow an audience. Apps like TikTok make it so YOU can see the content you actually want to see, versus television and movies, where (mostly) heterosexual Caucasian men control what narratives get produced, which actors get cast, and the level of inclusiveness/diversity the film will have (both with casting and production).
Anywho – here are the creators that I came across this week that are creating some really dope comedy AND are trailblazing a more inclusive future: Jay & Sharon, Isaiah Washington, and Sarah Maddack.
Jay & Sharon • 816K followers • @jayandsharon
@jayandsharon You’ve landed in CheapTok. Stay for awhile. Press some buttons. If you break it, you buy it #cheaptok #comedy #lifehacks
In a world where the hashtag #couplegoals exists and encourages an overly-produced, overly-Photoshopped idea of a “perfect relationship” that no one could (or should) live up to – we are grateful for comedy accounts like Jay & Sharon that give us the EXACT opposite. Their sketches feature their dates going terribly (yet hilariously) wrong, giving relationship advice that NO ONE SHOULD FOLLOW, and everyday situations that escalate into mild-to-moderate gaslighting and/or infidelity. If these two had a Snapchat show – I’d watch it all day every day.
Isaiah Washington • 435K followers • @relatableisaiah
Isaiah is making the world a better place, one woke joke at a time. He’s incredibly quick-witted, creates content that’s just really f*cking funny, AND seamlessly normalizes talking about mental health, gender-inclusivity, and gender fluidity. Can we have him host something? Please? He’s entertaining and makes me feel safe, and I want everyone to feel that.
Sarah Maddack • 1M followers • @sarahmaddack
@sarahmaddack WHICH ONE ARE YOU? #femalerapper #chipsandsalsa #SmallBite #rapping #tortillachips feat @noellesporer ❤️
Most musicians write about the momentous moments of life: like love, the fragility of life, and other stuff that’ll send you into an existential crisis… Anyway, when I came across Sarah Maddack on TikTok and saw that she was writing songs defending pineapple on pizza, ending the debate on whether milk or cereal goes in the bowl first, and MORE, I realized that the world needed to know. Because of creators like Sarah, we can have songs about both the big parts of life AND weird songs about getting romantically rejected by a refrigerator. When this pandemic ends, can we please just let her produce a Broadway musical? Or just make her a guest on SNL? I NEED MORE OF THIS MUSIC IN MY LIFE – AND SO DO YOU.
Like my TikTok recommendations? Cool. Got better ones? Awesome! If there’s a TikTok account you think FOD should feature, send it my way: kat@funnyordie.com
Follow FOD on TikTok! https://vm.tiktok.com/J2NGVMq/
Also… follow me (the author – hi!) on TikTok! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJhJse89/
Read all of our TikTok Creator Spotlights! http://funnyordie.com/tiktok-spotlight