These TikTok accounts will give you the big laughs you need to survive this quarantine
And I’m here to highlight the three funniest accounts I’ve come across this week: Rich Black Guy, Not Even Emily, and Ryan Beard.
The reason you may not have discovered these accounts on your own is because TikTok serves as a platform for A LOT of interests (dance tutorials, cooking recipes, dismantling misinformation, etc) so it can be really time-consuming to wade through all that content to find the comedy accounts you’re actually interested in watching.
Hi, I’m Kat – I have 1.5M followers on TikTok and spend more time scrolling TikTok than I do engaging in face-to-face human interactions (I’d blame quarantine, but I was like this prior to the pandemic). If you like Funny Or Die, I think you’ll LOVE these three TikTok accounts!
PLUS – TikTok’s algorithm is incredibly responsive, so when you engage with these recommended accounts, TikTok will serve you more comedy-related videos!
SO BASICALLY, even if you don’t like the TikTok accounts I recommend (which btw, ouch), you watching these videos will make your TikTok algorithm realize, “hey, this person came here for funny videos,” which will result in TikTok showing you more funny videos. BOOM – it’s a win-win for everyone!
Anyway – here are this week’s Highlighted TikTok Creators:
Rich Black Guy • 1.8M followers (@RichBlackGuy)
@richblackguy Women shopping at Target.
Though “Rich Black Guy” isn’t actually “rich” (yet!) his character-driven videos are! His most viral (and funny) videos include the worst baby name you can give your child during a global pandemic, personifying the four seasons and having them debate which of them is superior, and comedically explaining different types of sexuality though soda.
Not Even Emily • 487K followers (@not.even.emily)
Not Even Emily, a former star on the 6-second video app Vine, has moved to TikTok and used the additional 53 seconds the app provides per video to take her oddball, straight-to-camera content to a whole new level. Whether she’s satirizing that guy at the party who brought a guitar, mistaking Waluigi for a porn star, or misunderstanding a phrase so badly she ruins a family vacation – her content will keep you thoroughly entertained.
Ryan Beard • 1.8M followers (@ryanbeardofficial)
@ryanbeardofficial 4 Generations – 4 Perspectives: Wearing Masks
If you’re cynical (but still have a sense of humor!) you’re going to love Ryan Beardman. He is the king of topical humor and musical sketch comedy, and his ongoing bits including Un-Montival Mondays, Woke Wednesdays, and Fit Fridays will give you the consistency and laughter your life needs in a time where the world is falling apart.
Like my TikTok recommendations? Cool. Got better ones? Awesome! If there’s a TikTok account you think FOD should feature, send it my way: kat@funnyordie.com
Follow FOD on TikTok! https://vm.tiktok.com/J2NGVMq/
Rich Black Guy
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/J2DGEBN/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richblackguy/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/richguy
Not Even Emily
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/J2DXjLb/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stillnotemily/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhyfYkhuVrzmvDr-WqpDSw
Ryan Beard
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/J2D5dWQ/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryanbeardofficial/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClv4rIrZ8yc6jqXEDXg6Z0Q