All hail and worship the great deity that is the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Drain your wet noodle sustenance provided by his holiness with this arcane artefact, made in the one true god’s image, the Spaghetti Monster Drainer! This comedic colander is a fun design inspired by the satirical social movement of Pastafarianism that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism.
Kitchen Sponge Holder Bed lets you lay your sponge in its bed and let it sleep tight, once the dishes are clean and bright. Who says your sponge can’t have a nice, comfy bed after working all day? It’s complete with two pillows for a snug tuck, which fits all standard brush sizes.
Concocting a delicious potion? Agatha will hold your spoon and release the steam from your bubbling pot! Agatha doesn’t slide or slip, just like how she rides broomsticks with firm grip. And here’s a bonus: this item also functions as a steam releaser.
Looking for a safe place to set down your sizzling pot? Bear in mind, this Grizzly Rug will stand the heat.
We don’t all live in a yellow submarine, but now a yellow submarinie can live in your cup! The Tea Sub submerges tea leaves to the bottom of your cup creating the perfect infusion of your favourite brew.
Splatypus Jar Scraper Spatula comes in handy when you’re looking for a snack and an empty jar looks back. It will work its way from the bottom to top, so you can enjoy every last drop.
Gracula Garlic Crusher makes mincing easy and efficient, in just one twist of Gracula’s head, he will crush your garlic like he mince it… Yes we’re not above stupid puns on this site.
When the clock strikes 12 and you’re ready to chug, summon Vino The Bat to open the bottles for you!
The next sighting of the Loch Ness Monster could be a little bit closer to home than you might think – in your kitchen! Designed around a traditional ladle shape, Nessie is always on hand to scoop up soup or dish out dinner.
Inspired by nature, the Jungle Spoon brings a taste of the great outdoors into your kitchen. Use it to serve up your favorite dish, knowing you’ll leaf nothing behind (no, we will never give up silly puns).
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