Broadcasting regulator Ofcom has revoked the China Global Television Network’s (CGTN) licence to air its programming in the UK according to a statement issued Thursday.
An Ofcom investigation found that the license used by CGTN had been wrongfully held by Star China Media Ltd.
In a statement, Ofcom reiterated that “licence holders cannot be controlled by political bodies.”
Star China Media Limited (SCML) was found not to have editorial control or responsibility for CGTN’s programming and therefore did not meet the requirement to hold a broadcasting license.
Its investigation found that CGTN is controlled by CCTV which, as part of the China Media Group, is “controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and therefore disqualified from holding a broadcast licence under UK.”
The regulator claims that it was unable to transfer the license to CGTN directly as “crucial information was missing from the application” adding that even if said information had been provided, the fact that CGTNC is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party would preclude it from the legal requirements to hold a broadcasting license in the UK.
“We expect to conclude separate sanctions proceedings against CGTN for due impartiality and fairness and privacy breaches shortly,” Ofcom added.