Ukraine bus standoff: Hostages freed after PRESIDENT fulfills gunman’s bizarre request

Ukraine bus standoff: Hostages freed after PRESIDENT fulfills gunman’s bizarre request

The gunman who took some 20 people hostage in a western Ukrainian city has freed them after President Volodymyr Zelensky fulfilled his rather strange wish.

Giving in to the gunman’s demands, Zelensky has recorded a short video address and released it online. By then, the hostage situation in the city of Lutsk had been unfolding for more than nine hours.

“The film ‘Earthlings’, 2005. Must watch, everyone,” the president says in the clip – exactly as the hostage-taker requested.

While giving in to terrorist’s demands might be a controversial tactic, it seemed to have worked this time. Shortly after Zelensky’s address, the gunman released three of his hostages, handing them over to the deputy head of national police. Shortly after, he apparently let the rest of the people go.

Footage showed Ukrainian police detaining the suspect after tackling him to the ground.


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