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/* DO NOT DELETE – Knotch Tracking – Add tracking to product Links */
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/* Image Annotations */
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// Temp numbering, turn off above by setting toolsOn to false
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/* Video */
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/* Setup */
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// Annotations, set number based on image tag using the tag images function
// Inset animations
// Number the images, turn off numbers for publish
// Knotch analytics
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Our lives have been in a state of flux — and so has our sense of style. In partnership with Macy’s, we’ve tapped R29 editors to shed light on how their personal styles have evolved in the last year, aligning them with their own specific fashion identity that offers a glimpse into who they are and a reflection of the times we’re living in. Read more about the partnership and the other fashion identities here.

When you’re holed up inside, confined to the four walls of your home for this long, it’s only a matter of time before you start reevaluating the things in it — including the clothes in your closet. And while decluttering years’ worth of garments is an impressive feat, streamlining your wardrobe and whittling it down to just the essentials is something else entirely. It takes an extraordinary amount of discipline — but Thatiana Diaz, senior editor of Refinery29’s Somos, was up to the task. As The Closet Curator, she began to rethink her approach to style, resolving to pare back on random items in favor of comfortable, neutral basics that she could wear over and over again (think: less chaotic evil, more lawful good). Ahead, read more about how she refined her look, what she’s learned, and the most surprising thing she discovered about herself.
My pre-pandemic style could be described as… “Hard to define. I would just put on whatever I pulled from the closet, which was fairly unpredictable, because I dressed depending on my day or my mood. If I had a meeting, I would throw on any blazer. If I were feeling chipper, I’d wear a bright color. I always had this misconception that comfort came at the expense of style, and now I’m seeing that’s not true.”