Family tragedy has been the impetus for the Jets’ Solomon Thomas to become an advocate for mental health
By Gavin Willacy for No Helmets Required
When the Buffalo Bills kicked a late field goal against the New York Jets last Monday night to win the all-New York state clash, dropping the Jets to 2-4 and dealing their hopes of winning the AFC East title a mighty blow, star linebacker Solomon Thomas was keeping it in perspective. Yes, it was a setback, but it was no biggie.
He may be a hugely successful sports star and multimillionaire, but Thomas is as familiar with adversity as anyone. Born seven weeks prematurely and weighing only four pounds (he’s put on nearly 300 since then), in just two Pac-12 seasons with Stanford, the Texas schoolboy developed into one of the finest linebackers in the country. He forsook the final year of his communications degree to enter the NFL Draft in 2017, and was snapped up third overall by the San Francsico 49ers. He was that good. He missed the 2020 season with an ACL injury and was released by the 49ers but losing a year of your career was nothing when you’ve lost a sister.