Woman Sets Up a Bird Feeder Cam In Her Yard And The Photos Are Extraordinary

Woman Sets Up a Bird Feeder Cam In Her Yard And The Photos Are Extraordinary

Lisa who goes by the name @ostdrossel on Instagram has always been fascinated by nature and different bird types. So she came up with a brilliant idea: she uses a bird feeder cam, which consists of a camera box, a macro lens, and an attachable bird feeding platform. The camera is tiny and equipped with a motion sensor so that when a bird comes to eat, it photographs birds a non-intrusive way. Scroll down to see the best pictures!

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam video.

Bird feeder cam photo.

Bird feeder cam photo.

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