Worst Interior Design Ideas Collected by “Please Hate These Things” Instagram

Worst Interior Design Ideas Collected by “Please Hate These Things” Instagram

When someone invites you into their home, you never know what to expect. Will their rooms be full of tasteful decor that would inspire many Pinterest boards, or do they have a photo of a cow plastered across their entire fridge? One can only guess. If you’re interested in the less than aspirational interior design choices out there, allow us to introduce you to @PleaseHateTheseThings Instagram account that’s dedicated to shaming and celebrating the most ridiculous and terrible design choices homeowners have ever made. Scroll down to check out our top picks!

Do we have an epidemic on our hands?

Doing the most and the least all at once.

Follow me for more time saving life hacks.

They didn't have to do Bessie dirty like that.

Worst magic eye puzzle ever.

Enjoy your eye twitch.

Don't stare. Don't stare. It's fine. Look away.

Should have stopped 1000 bricks ago.

This stuff is dangerous.

Probably smells nice.

This is a seizure risk.

This is terrifying.

That's a load bearing shelf.


Lamp placement win.

Because why not?

Brilliant design.

One martini away from ankle surgery.

Perfect place for a toilet.

This is what giving up looks like.

Who needs privacy?

Ready for a bath?

Makes sense.


What do see here?

What do you see here? I see two lamp shadows.

The post Worst Interior Design Ideas Collected by “Please Hate These Things” Instagram first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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