In today’s episode of “Yes, apparently this is a thing”, we have wolf boxer briefs, which essentially turn your bulge into the snout of the wolf as it protrudes outward, giving a 3D look to it.
Make your package howl like a wolf as you engage with your SO in relations as you sniff her rear end with your snout. Ya it’s getting a little weird, but we’re just gonna go with it… No longer will your package be confined to the straight lining of regular underwear, with these wolf undies you have the room of an entire wolf snout to let your business literally hang out and consume as much room in your briefs as needed!
Just be aware, if your package isn’t up to snuff, it may end up looking like a pug or an ewok of some sort.
If you want to feel like the leader of the pack, you can get these boxer briefs on Amazon. We’ve heard they love people who spend money on stupid stuff over there.
The post You Can Actually Get 3D Wolf Underwear Because That’s Just Where We Are At Now first appeared on .