You can’t trust social media. Instagram and reality are two completely different things. In a time when online fakery are off the charts, we invite you to check out Pretty Girls Ugly Faces community on Reddit where women with a great sense of humor share before and after photos of themselves that poke fun at the well-curated and polished side of social media. Scroll down to enjoy these hilariously gruesome ladies who can turn from ugly to pretty and vice versa in a split second!
Did you know that this kind of hideous facial contortion is actually a sport? It’s called a gurning competition and it was founded Britain way back in 1297. The legend has it that it started when people at the Egremont Crab Apple Fair took turns in pulling grotesque poses while eating the super sour apples. This ancient British tradition still has its own World Championships, with people coming from across the globe to try and win the title of ugliest face. The World Championships are held in mid-September each year and there are different categories: for men, ladies, and juniors. Perhaps some of these beautiful women would fancy signing up and trying to win the title of Gurning World Champion? There are certainly some natural talents in this list! You can find out more about gurning competition on their website.
The post “You’re So Beaut-OHGOD!” Funny Before-And-After Pictures first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.