By now, you may be aware that I have a particularly infatuation with handbags. Micro or maxi, bedazzled or minimalist, bags are the first thing to catch my eye. But when it comes from moving from love-at-first-sight to actually taking the plunge to purchase, I’m a much harder judge.
There’s a few things that I look for when shopping for bags, whether facing a designer purchase, or high-street steal. Especially at the moment, if I part with my money it has to be for good reason. And as someone who spends a lot of time scrolling through new-in styles (all in the name of research, of course), one brand’s handbag collection has really impressed me, and that’s Marks & Spencer.
When looking for a new handbag there’s a few things I always consider. Firstly, a timeless appeal is a must. With purse strings tightening, any investment big or small must stand the test of time, and work within my wardrobe forever. And M&S has served up an array of styles that look incredibly expensive, and will withstand the changing trends. Secondly, what occasion is the bag destined for? A crossbody bag will be a useful style when running errands to throw keys and wallet in. A larger tote might become my new work bag, or am I looking for a summer-ready style that will carry all my beach-side essentials? Or maybe I’m simply searching for a fun new bag to inject some life into my wardrobe. Whatever your current answer, Marks & Spencer has covered all bases, whilst ensuring each is both timeless and useful additions to any wardrobe.
Keep scrolling for my edit of the best bags at M&S right now.
Up next, This Designer-Looking M&S Suit Is So Good It’s Selling Out as We Speak.