India accuses China of new ‘provocative actions’ on border amid de-escalation talks

India accuses China of new ‘provocative actions’ on border amid de-escalation talks

New Delhi has accused Beijing of new provocations in a disputed border region just as the two nations were holding talks on de-escalation in the very same area. China has not commented on the accusations so far.

The Chinese troops “engaged in provocative action” on Monday, Indian Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said in a statement. He did not provide any further details, only adding that Indian forces had prevented an attempt to “unilaterally alter the status quo.”

The incident came just as both Chinese and Indian commanders held talks to ease tensions in the disputed area following the latest flare-up over the weekend. New Delhi slammed the incident as a “clear violation” of previous agreements and understandings reached by the two nations’ foreign ministers and special representatives.

It also said that it took the matter up with Beijing both through diplomatic and military channels. China has not commented on these latest statements.

Over the past days, both China and India accused each other of trespassing the so-called Line of Actual Control in the disputed and scarcely populated mountainous area known as Aksai Chin in China and Eastern Ladakh in India. The region has been contested by the two for decades.

The latest major border incident happened in June when Indian and Chinese troops attacked each other, with New Delhi and Beijing later pointing the finger of blame at each other for the skirmish.

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