Abusive Birthday Balloons

Abusive Birthday Balloons

The manufacturer calls these Abusive Birthday Balloons a “conversation starter.” Sure, they’ll start a conversation. A conversation about what a jerk whoever threw this birthday party is. There are no rainbows, butterflies, sunshine, or unicorns here. Just mean insults written on black balloons: perfect for someone who you hate.

Happy birthday!

Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloons.

Bitch balloon.

Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloons.

Worst human ever!

Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloon.

Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloon.

Abusive birthday balloon.

Abusive birthday balloons.


Abusive birthday balloons.

Abusive birthday balloons.

If you know someone who will appreciate being called a dumb waste of blood and organs, you can get these vulgar, tasteless, mean balloons on Amazon.

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