Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet

Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet

Remember beef jerky underwear we posted few months ago? Turns out that you can also order a nice bouquet of beef jerky flowers. These both things together would make a lovely Valentine’s Day present for that special person in your life… or make them want to puke and think that you’ve gone insane.

Beef jerky flowers.

The full description of the jerky bouquet is honestly too good to not put in here: “Beef jerky flower bouquets are 100% edible and truly are made for that rugged one of a kind, hammer swinging, IPA drinking, duck hunting, beast of a man-animal you call yours.”

Beef jerky flowers.

Beef jerky flowers.

Beef jerky flowers.

Beef jerky flowers.

If you feel like you need to spend money on this weird stuff, you can order beef jerky flower bouquet from Amazon or Manly Man Co’s online store.

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