The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Jonathan Kunz
“War And Peas” is a hilarious comics series made by Jonathan Kunz. His comics often…More
“War And Peas” is a hilarious comics series made by Jonathan Kunz. His comics often…More
It’s so great that we got rid of plastic straws, because now that the planet…More
There’s a saying that if you let a monkey write random stuff, eventually it will…More
The soul-crushing, dream-deferring, endless coffee-consuming rollercoaster ride known as the corporate grind. It sucks harder…More
The @ClassicalSarcasm Instagram account combines, you guessed it, classical art and sarcastic humor. These two…More
Ah, the corporate world – the place where dream go to die. A thrilling jungle where…More
Digital content creator Varkey makes funny art mashups and collages which connect classical artworks and…More
Dave Coverly is the creator of the cartoon panel “Speed Bump”, which runs internationally in…More
Waylon Bacon is a cartoonist and filmmaker initially hailing from the Bay Area, but currently…More
Cat owners are weird: they know their pets are a-holes, but they love them nonetheless.…More