NFT Memes That Perfectly Capture The Ridiculous Trend

NFT Memes That Perfectly Capture The Ridiculous Trend

NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, have been around since 2014, but they’ve only started gaining notoriety in the past few years. In 2021, the market for NFTs was worth about $41 billion, but it crashed in 2022. By this time there aren’t many people who still believe in this idiotic trend and all those NFTs are pretty much worthless. Scroll down to check out the funniest NFT memes we rounded up for your amusement!

NFTs explained.

Never ask a woman her age. Never ask a man his salary. Never ask an NFT bro how his marriage is going.

You're laughing?

I hope his uncle gets better.

No. It’s called the blockchain and it means the monkey is actually mine.

NFT hype train.

Then vs. now.

NFT creators when they realize that there is this thing called 'screenshot'

NFT owner ventures into the real world

When it’s career day at school and your dad shows up with his NFT collection

I will be your NFT girlfriend. You can’t touch me or interact with me in any way, but if you pay me enough you can go around telling people I’m yours.

Priceless NFT Artwork Vandalized With Spray Paint Tool

Me going for my 9-5 job knowing someone sold a jpeg of an ape for $547,000

Technically every mocking reply to a crypto bro is an NFT, because it's a digital record of them being owned

Dads when they get a NFT for Father’s Day

Everybody loves unregulated markets until their imaginary wallet full of monkey jpegs gets stolen.

“I’m educating women right now about NFTs”

nft son or astrology daughter?

pee after sex or you will get an NFT

"So tell me the use case for your NFT"

well, it's digitally scarce.

"So what can you do with it"

I own the rights to it on the blockchain and no one else does

"So what do you do with it?"

I look at it, check the value daily.

"So what gives it value?"

It's digitally scarce.

NFT creators when someone right clicks save image as

I still think "nonfungible" sounds like it means "cannot be turned into a mushroom".

The post NFT Memes That Perfectly Capture The Ridiculous Trend first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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