The Amazing Adventures of Donald Trump, Created by AI

The Amazing Adventures of Donald Trump, Created by AI

There’s one bad thing that came out of Trump losing the latest election: we can observe less daily stupidity provided by his big genius brain. Thanks to AI, however, we can imagine amazing adventures Trump would do in alternate universes where he would live countless parallel lives enjoying various unusual experiences.

Trump participating in concrete eating contest.

Trump working out in prison.

Trump arguing with a rock.

Trump visiting zoo with his best friend Biden.

Trump meets the first alien that has visited Earth.

Drunk Trump.

Ronald Trump.

Trump talking politics with a garden gnome.


Trump falling in love with Putin while in prison.

Trump ballet performance in city street.

Trump merged with Biden.

Trump screaming at children.

Trump crying in a courtroom.

Trump dressed as a clown.

Olympic Trump.

Pope Trump.

Trump becomes Sex Pistol's singer.

Trump finds enlightenment.

Blobfish Trump.

Trump becomes a teacher in China.

Trump meets Darth Vader in the White House.

Trump fighting with police.

The post The Amazing Adventures of Donald Trump, Created by AI first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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